Wing Noise Simulation of Supersonic Business Jet in Landing Configuration




computational fluid dynamics, aeroacoustics, airframe noise, turbulent flow, detached eddy simulation, mixed-element mesh, FWH method


The paper presents the results of wing noise simulations for the prototype of supersonic business jet in landing mode. The near-field airflow is modeled according to Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation approach. The finite-volume vertex-centered scheme with the low weight of upwind component is used for convective flux approximation. The noise at the far-field points is calculated by the Ffowcs Williams–Hawkings method. The noise spectra at the near-field points are presented, and the impact of local mesh resolution and numerical instability on the near-field acoustics is discussed. For the Ffowcs Williams–Hawkings method due to the features of the wing geometry and the resulting flow configuration, we used non-standard integration surfaces to reduce computational costs of the scale-resolving simulations. Additionally, we employed optimized mesh resolution on the integration surfaces to significantly reduce the dick space required for storing the data for far-field noise calculations. The tests performed for the near-field and far-field points demonstrated applicability of the proposed optimizations.


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How to Cite

Duben, A. P., Kozubskaya, T. K., & Rodionov, P. V. (2024). Wing Noise Simulation of Supersonic Business Jet in Landing Configuration. Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations, 11(3), 74–92.