Hybrid Dynamic Mesh Redistribution – Immersed Boundary Method for Acoustic Simulation of Flow Around a Propeller





moving adaptive mesh, immersed boundary method, drone rotor, rotor acoustics, unstructured mesh, turbulent flow


A novel hybrid dynamic mesh redistribution – immersed boundary method for simulation of turbulent flows around rotating obstacles of complex geometry and analysis of tonal acoustics is proposed. The feasibility of the approach is demonstrated by considering a drone propeller problem. The results of three-dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes simulations using the proposed approach are compared to the results of body-fitted unstructured simulations in noninertial reference frame. The dynamic mesh redistribution method allows the reposition of mesh points taking into account the shape of the moving body while retaining the mesh topology. The cell size and quality of the dynamically redistributed mesh strongly depend on the curvature of the body surface. The position and shape of the moving obstacle is prescribed by a distance function defined on an adaptive octree. The results of simulations using the proposed method are in good agreement with both the results of body-fitted simulations and the experimental data.


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How to Cite

Bobkov, V. G., Kozubskaya, T. K., Kudryavtseva, L. N., & Tsvetkova, V. O. (2022). Hybrid Dynamic Mesh Redistribution – Immersed Boundary Method for Acoustic Simulation of Flow Around a Propeller. Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations, 9(4), 69–84. https://doi.org/10.14529/jsfi220407

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