Focus and Scope
The Journal of Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations (JSFI) is a peer-reviewed publication whose main goal is to widely disseminate the results of research and development findings and results at the leading edge of high-performance computing systems, highly parallel methods, and extreme scaled applications. This open access online international journal accepts high-quality articles, letters and reviews presenting recent advances and views in the important and rapidly developing field of supercomputers. JSFI complements other periodicals by providing a forum specifically targeted to supercomputing accomplishments through research, development, and application across the worldwide arena and at the leading edge of ideas and innovations. A strong editorial board ensures the highest standards of scholarship and quality while emphasizing short time to publication for greatest impact and accreditation. Focused topical issues are organized by special editors as the need and opportunity arise. JSFI is published quarterly, made available online, with limited copies distributed in hard copy for library and archival purposes. The journal does not charge the authors a publication fee.
Subject areas include, but are not limited to the following fields:
- Future generation supercomputer architectures
- Exascale computing
- Parallel programming models, interfaces, languages, libraries, and tools
- Supercomputer applications and algorithms
- Novel approaches to computing targeted to solve intractable problems
- Convergence of high performance computing, machine learning and big data technologies
- Distributed operating systems and virtualization for highly scalable computing
- Management, administration, and monitoring of supercomputer systems
- Mass storage systems, protocols, and allocation
- Power consumption minimization for supercomputing systems
- Resilience, reliability, and fault tolerance for future generation highly parallel computing systems
- Scientific visualization in supercomputing environments
- Education in high performance computing and computational science