AlFaMove: Scalable Implementation of Surface Movement Method for Cluster Computing Systems




linear programming, surface movement method, numerical implementation, AlFaMove algorithm, parallel implementation, cluster computing system, scalability evaluation


The article presents a numerical implementation of the surface movement method for linear programming. The base of this implementation is the new AlFaMove algorithm, which builds on the surface of a feasible polytope an optimal objective path from an arbitrary boundary point to a point that is a solution to a linear programming problem. The optimal objective path is a path along the faces of the feasible polytope in the direction of maximizing the value of the objective function. To calculate the optimal movement direction, the pseudoprojection operation on a linear manifold is used. The pseudoprojection operation is a generalization of the orthogonal projection and is implemented using an iterative projection-type algorithm. The proposition is proved that, for a linear manifold that is the intersection of hyperplanes, the pseudoprojection coincides with the orthogonal projection. It is also proved that, in the case of a linear manifold, pseudoprojection makes it possible to calculate the movement vector in the direction of maximum increase of the objective function. A parallel implementation of the AlFaMove algorithm is described. The results of computational experiments on a cluster computing system are presented to demonstrate the high scalability of the proposed numerical implementation.


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How to Cite

Olkhovsky, N. A., & Sokolinsky, L. B. (2024). AlFaMove: Scalable Implementation of Surface Movement Method for Cluster Computing Systems. Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations, 11(3), 4–26.