Parallel Processing Model for Cholesky Decomposition Algorithm in AlgoWiki Project


  • Alexander S. Antonov Moscow State University, Moscow
  • Alexey V. Frolov Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
  • Hiroaki Kobayashi Tohoku University, Sendai
  • Igor N. Konshin Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
  • Alexey M. Teplov Moscow State University, Moscow
  • Vadim V. Voevodin Moscow State University, Moscow
  • Vladimir V. Voevodin Moscow State University, Moscow



The comprehensive analysis of algorithmic properties of well-known. Cholesky decomposition was performed on the basis of multifold AlgoWiki technologies. There was performed a detailed analysis of information graph, data structure, memory access profile, computation locality, scalability and other algorithm properties, that allow us to demonstrate a lot of unevident properties split up. into machine-independent and machine-dependent subsets. A comprehension of the parallel algorithm structure provide us with the possibility to efficiently implement the algorithm at hardware platform specified.


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How to Cite

Antonov, A. S., Frolov, A. V., Kobayashi, H., Konshin, I. N., Teplov, A. M., Voevodin, V. V., & Voevodin, V. V. (2016). Parallel Processing Model for Cholesky Decomposition Algorithm in AlgoWiki Project. Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations, 3(3), 61–70.

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